Nominations open for ABC Award

Jefferson Matters is seeking nominations for the 2023 ABC Award. Nominations are to be submitted by Wednesday, November 22, 2023 by 4 p.m. The award will be presented later at the Community Appreciation Night in 2024.

The ABC Award (Above and Beyond the Call) is presented annually to an individual or couple who through their personal involvement, their leadership qualities and their unselfish giving of time and talent, have positively affected activities or accomplishments beneficial to the community at large. Candidates in general should exhibit, but are not limited by, the following characteristics:

Involvement in a broad spectrum of activities for community betterment;

Activities should not be essentially an extension of the nominee’s business interests.

The nominee(s) should have exhibited leadership qualities.

The nominee(s) should have exhibited capabilities by initiating and carrying through on community projects.

The nominee(s) should possess characteristics of a nature to produce harmony and good will in promoting worthy projects.

Nomination forms are available in the Jefferson Matters weekly newsletter, by email request at, or at the Welcome Center, 201 E. Lincoln Way. There is an online form available here.

“The ABC Award is a prestigious award that exemplifies an outstanding citizen. We all know one! Please nominate that individual or couple who has gone above and beyond the call to produce good will for our community,” said a spokesperson. “This recognition is an opportunity to thank those who improve the quality of life for our community.”

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